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VeryRare Yokai Kabuki Crewneck (Blue)

Sale price$220.00

Design by Raf Reyes: My fascination vis-a-vis Japan led me naturally to this masterpiece, that could also hv been nam’d ‘Kabuki Pop // 妖怪 STᵥʳANGE FOODS ’ ™️… Whether it be Japanese photographers (Araki, Tomatsu, Moriyama), directors, mangakas (Miyazaki, Tezuka, Toriyama..) well.. i consider them 2 be goated (and big inspirations for VR®®) ™. Anyways… a little bit of culture for yer brainhole: Kabuki is a classical form of Japanese dance-drama, famous for its heavily-stylised performances, the often-glamorous costumes, and the elaborate make-up worn by some of its performers ™️. いち (ichi) 1, ni に (ni) 2, さん (san) 3, COP!